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Surge in Born Again Christians in New York Since 9/11

Teresa Neumann : Sep 6, 2011
R. Leigh Coleman - The Christian Post

"The residents of the New York City region are more spiritually active, more likely to be 'churched,' and more committed to Christ than they were a decade ago." -George Barna

(New York, NY)?A Barna Group study has revealed that New Yorkers are more "spiritually active" today than they were immediately following the attacks of 9/11.

Cross and wtcAs reported in the Christian Post, the new study says following an initial lapse, the faith of New Yorkers?"faith" meaning going to church, reading the Bible, praying, etc.?began to increase "significantly" after September 2004.

"Most of the change in spiritual behavior seems to have happened since the middle of the last decade. Church participation in the New York market especially has shifted most since 2004," said David Kinnaman, Barna Group president.

According to the report, another interesting statistic coming out of the study shows that the percentage of New York's residents who qualify as born again Christians surged from 20 percent in the late 1990s to 32 percent today.

"The research shows that spiritual change can and does happen, even in large population centers like the New York media market," said Barna.