Breaking Christian News

Critics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

James D. Agresti : Jul 1, 2024
Just Facts

Contrary to those critiques, verifiable facts show that about 2–5 million non-citizens are registered to vote...

[Just Facts Daily] Overview: new study by Just Facts has gone viral with influential people, organizations, news outlets, and websites citing it. This includes, for example, US Senator Mike Lee, Congressional testimony by Heritage Foundation legal scholar Hans von Spakovsky, and a post on X with more than 24 million views due to a repost by Elon Musk. (Image: Pexels)

Based on 2022 survey data and an enhanced version of a stress-tested methodology from a scholarly journal, the study found that about 10% to 27% of non-citizen adults in the US are illegally registered to vote. Since more than 20 million of them now live in the US, this amounts to 2–5 million illegally registered voters, which can easily overturn the results of close major elections.

Yet, some critics have alleged the study is false, including the New York Times, Snopes, the Cato Institute, the University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public, and others. However, all of them failed to find any real flaw in the study and resorted to:

In sum, they couldn't even put a minor dent in the study despite considerable efforts to do so—even with help from a cadre of scholars. This ultimately reinforces the study because this swarm of ardent critics was unable to identify a legitimate problem with it.

Contrary to those critiques, verifiable facts show that about 2–5 million non-citizens are registered to vote and reveal that Just Facts' study:

Beyond shedding light on the important issue of election integrity, this affair provides valuable insights about how activists, journalists, and scholars mislead the public... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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