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Police Department Ordered to Remove Bible Verses

Todd Starnes-Commentary : Jul 1, 2024

"Until you've been in the streets or have family that is or has been, you have no idea what all they deal with and every little bit of prayer helps," said one defender of the police department.

[] A Tennessee police department has come under attack by a vile gang of Wisconsin atheists. (Image: Pexels)

The Bartlett Police Dept. posted a Bible verse on a wall inside their building. The Bible verse is from the New Testament book of Matthew: "Blessed are the peacemakers. They shall be called the children of God."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which gets easily triggered by God's Word, noticed the Bible verse while they were snooping on the department's Facebook page.

"Paintings that quote chapter and verse from the New Testament on BPD property are a clear promotion of Christianity," FFRF legal fellow Hirsh Joshi wrote to Bartlett Police Chief Jeff Cox.

The out-of-town atheists claim that placing a Biblical quote in a government building "fails to respect the First Amendment."

"Citizens of Bartlett trust their law enforcement officials to attend to their secular duties. Spending taxpayer time and money placing religious messages on police department property is beyond the scope of secular government," the FFRF said.

But local residents are defending the police department and many are suggesting the atheists need to find Jesus.

"Until you've been in the streets or have family that is or has been, you have no idea what all they deal with and every little bit of prayer helps," said one defender of the police department.

"I think this group need to mind their own business," wrote another. "You guys sound like a bunch of devils."

The FFRF insinuated they would take legal action if the Bible verse was not scrubbed from the wall.

"An open profession of Christianity or any religion from an entity sworn to serve and protect is unconstitutional and divisive," said FFRF's Annie Laurie Gaylor. "We remind the Bartlett Police Department that it serves all of the town residents, not just Christians."

The good people of Bartlett should tell the out-of-town rabble-rousers to pound sand.  Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here