Breaking Christian News

Biden Administration Obstructing Congressional Probes of His 'Voter Access' Executive Order

Craig Bannister-Blog : Jun 26, 2024

"...Biden's EO is an overreach of the executive branch's constitutional authority and disregards the Constitution's federalist election system. The states set the time, manner, and place of their own elections, and this EO must be looked at seriously. Federal agencies cannot engage in any activity outside the agency's authorized mission, including federal voting access and registration activities." -Oversight Chairman James Comer

[] ...Biden's administration is going to great lengths to keep the public, the media—and even congressional committees—from finding out whether his so-called "voter access" executive order is being used to illegally recruit Democrat voters for November's elections. (Screengrab image: via X)

In this, the second in a three-part series of articles on the cover-up, CNSNews examines how the administration is working to keep lawmakers in the dark about how federal funds allocated in Biden's 2021 Executive Order 14019 are being used. The executive order requires all federal agencies to use government resources and federal funds, which critics have branded "Bidenbucks," to promote "access to voting."

Republicans suspect that the agencies are contributing to the Biden campaign by targeting and registering voters in predominantly Democrat communities and those who are reliant on government subsidies—especially since the Biden administration is being so tight-lipped.

Last November 28, more than a dozen Republican senators sent a letter to ...Biden, rebuking his failure to provide details of how the executive order is being implemented.

House Republicans' requests for information about the executive order have also been rejected and ignored by the Biden administration, prompting congressional committees to issue subpoenas.

Last month, on May 7, House Committee on Small Business Chairman Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas) subpoenaed the special advisor to the Small Business Administration (SBA) and SBA's chief of staff because the agency has refused to answer the Committee's questions about potential electioneering activities as part of the Bidenbucks initiative. Specifically, Williams is probing a Memorandum of Understanding that SBA entered into with Michigan's Secretary of State to register voters.

Then, on June 12, House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil (R-WI) was forced to subpoena 15 Biden administration cabinet members in order to obtain details about their respective agencies' execution of the executive order, after the agencies failed to reply to his committee's request for information.

Meanwhile, the director of the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) isn't responding to a request for information about the executive order from the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

On May 13, Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter to the director of the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB), setting a deadline of May 28, 2024 for the director to provide the following five items:

  1. Explanation of the constitutional or statutory authority Pres. Biden relied on in the drafting of the executive order.
  2. All strategic plans received by the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy from agencies as required by the executive order.
  3. A list of all third-party partner organizations selected under the executive order.
  4. All documents pertaining to the criteria for approving a third-party organization under the executive order.
  5. All White House and OMB documents and communications regarding the drafting of the executive order.

"We've called on OMB to provide answers about what federal agencies are doing in order to hold them accountable," Comer told CNSNews in an exclusive statement voicing his concerns:

"...Biden's EO is an overreach of the executive branch's constitutional authority and disregards the Constitution's federalist election system. The states set the time, manner, and place of their own elections, and this EO must be looked at seriously. Federal agencies cannot engage in any activity outside the agency's authorized mission, including federal voting access and registration activities."

The details of how Biden's executive order is being executed by federal agencies spending taxpayer money are vital to congressional efforts to determine whether the administration is breaking any of a number of laws, including:

But, until the Biden administration decides—or is forced—to cease its cover-up of the details of its Bidenbucks scheme, it would be hard to prove whether or not laws have been broken.

In Part Three, CNSNews will examine the Biden Administration's efforts to prevent media from uncovering details of the executive order. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Read Part One: Biden Hiding Details of How His 'Voter Access' Executive Order Is Influencing the Election