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Saskatchewan Realtor Ordered to Pay $3,000 Fine for Facebook Posts against LGBT Agenda

Clare Marie Merkowsky : Jun 26, 2024

"I won't use someone's pronouns for the same reason I won't talk to a schizophrenic's imaginary friends," Kurtenbach had written in a since-deleted Facebook post.

(Regina, Saskatchewan) — [] A Saskatchewan realtor was fined $3,000 for opposing the LGBT agenda on his Facebook account. (Image: via LifeSiteNews-Screengrab)

In a June 6 decision, the Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission found real estate agent Murray Kurtenbach guilty of professional misconduct for alleged "transphobic" comments made on his Facebook account last October.   

"I won't use someone's pronouns for the same reason I won't talk to a schizophrenic's imaginary friends," Kurtenbach had written in a since-deleted Facebook post.

In another post, Kurtenbach shared an image of a t-shirt reading, "A good kick in the ---- will solve your gender confusion."

While the posts were quickly deleted, the Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission obtained a copy of the posts on Reddit.

According to the Saskatchewan Real Estate Commission, Kurtenbach's comments violated their ethics code as they were "disgraceful, unprofessional or unbecoming of a registrant in the course of his or her practice."

The commission argued that he "published posts on his Facebook page perpetuating transphobia" and "his posts were detrimental to the dignity of the trans community and to the public perception of the professionalism of the real estate industry as a whole"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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