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Fauci's Flunky Admits to Deleting COVID Emails

Kevin Downey Jr-Opinion : May 23, 2024
PJ Media

"I learned from our FOIA lady on how to make emails disappear," Morens emailed to NIH officials.

[PJ] Fauci's 20-year stooge at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), David Morens, who is also the best friend of Dr. Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, testified before Congress on Wednesday... (Screengrab image)

FACT-O-RAMA! It is believed Fauci, through Morens, gave mad stacks to EcoHealth Alliance, which then gave the money to the Wuhan lab to conduct experiments that would make people susceptible (gain-of-function) to COVID. Something Fauci testified did not happen.

Apparently, there are discrepancies in Morens' testimony in January and some documents Congress uncovered afterward.

Congress brought Morens to Capitol Hill [Wednesday] to ask why he used a Gmail account to dodge the Freedom of Informant Act (FOIA) when communicating about the COVID virus we were assured came, not from a lab, but from a guy who ate a bat salad, so that he could "delete anything he doesn't want to see in the New York Times."

While being questioned by Rep. James Comer, R-KY), Morens stammered like Joe Biden at a Girl Scout meeting. He clearly knew Congress had done its homework.

Morens was busted in a big fat felonious lie. Several actually.

"He denied discussing EcoHealth and the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) with Dr. Fauci, but in his emails, he did. He denied conducting official NIAID or NIH (National Institute of Health) business over his personal emails. He did," committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup, (R-OH) quipped to the Washington Examiner.

Morens advised his "best friend" on how to get his Wuhan grant back after Trump canceled it in 2020. He also sought help from the "FOIA lady" on how to not get busted.

FACT-O-RAMA! EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Daszak have both been banned by the Biden administration from further government grants.

"I learned from our FOIA lady on how to make emails disappear," Morens emailed to NIH officials... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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