Breaking Christian News

BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: Eight Heinous Illegal Immigrant Crimes ABC/CBS/NBC Are Hiding

Geoffrey Dickens : May 22, 2024

"A Guatemalan illegal immigrant who is now charged in Florida with the kidnapping and sexual assault of a child, had been freed into the US with a court date for 2027, officials said this week. The Palm Beach Sheriff's Office announced that Marvin Perez Lopez, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, was arrested on Saturday for kidnapping a minor under 13 and sexual assault..." -Fox News

[] In just the last month, eight heinous crimes occurred that shouldn't have happened—because they were committed by lawbreakers who wouldn't even be in the country, if the Biden administration was doing its job of protecting the border. (Image: via Newsbusters /Screengrab)

Arrests of illegal immigrants in crimes ranging from sexual assaults to fatal car crashes have made news in their local communities but have gone COMPLETELY unreported by the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks.

This continues a trend that the MRC reported on back in April.

Back when the House sent articles of impeachment to the Senate to try Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, NewsBusters reported on cases of innocent victims killed by illegal immigrants during the Biden administration that ABC, CBS and NBC buried. 

Tragically, more people have been added to that list.

The following are eight more heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants (in just the last month) that the networks have censored... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click Here to read about the crimes and how much reporting time was given them by mainstream networks.