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Judge Judy Has a Scathing Message for Cities Engulfed in Brazen Crime, Pinpoints 'Ridiculous' Policies

Cortney O'Brien, Joshua Comins : May 22, 2024
Fox News

[FoxNews EXCLUSIVE] Actor Steve Buscemi was recently attacked in broad daylight in New York City, a brazen assault the likes of which wasn't a surprise to Judge Judy Sheindlin because she knows exactly how America reached this point. "Oh I know how we got here," Sheindlin told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview. "We got here because a small group of people who have very loud voices created a scenario where bad people got rewarded. And the victim got punished by the system"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to watch Judge Judy comment on video. (Screengrab image: via Fox News)