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Good News: Nativity Scenes on Display at US State Capitols Increase to 43 This Christmas Season

Thomas More Society : Dec 11, 2023

The Thomas More Society and American Nativity Scene have collaborated to erect mangers while clarifying that government entities may erect and maintain celebrations of the Christmas holiday or allow citizens to do so on government property.

[] Celebrations of the Savior's birth are scheduled with 43 state capitol Nativity scenes across America this Christmas. The Thomas More Society and American Nativity Scene are helping a growing number of private citizen groups across the nation to display Biblical manger scenes on government property. (Image: Pixabay)

"In 2023, we are pleased to announce that 43 State Capitol Nativity Scenes, the most to date, are scheduled to be erected at state capitols this Christmas season," said Ed O'Malley, president of American Nativity Scene.

"The message of hope delivered by the Baby Jesus celebrates the joy of new life," O'Malley added. "This troubled world can benefit from more hope and more joy."

American Nativity Scene works closely with attorneys at the Thomas More Society to make sure that anyone who desires to sponsor a state capitol Nativity scene is able to do so, as allowed by law... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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