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Canadian Students Start 'Messages of Hope and Joy' Hotline for Isolated Seniors

Christel Berns : Apr 17, 2020

"A lot of folks who are in isolation are really missing their families right now. So we're just trying to fill in some of the gaps, and bring them a little bit of joy and levity during these difficult times." -Teacher Jamie Anderson to CBC News

airlift(Canada) — [] A group of students in Canada opened a hotline for isolated seniors to call into. They can choose from a number of pre-recorded stories, kind messages, jokes and more. (Image: Unsplash-Jenna Anderson)

Bringing Joy to Isolated Seniors

Recreational Leadership Students enrolled with the Calgary Board of Education initiated the Joy4All Project. "During these challenging times and ongoing public health measures, we know that it is especially difficult for seniors and folks experiencing isolation," states their website. "We have created a hotline to bring joy to those in isolation."

The hotline is now open and can be dialed at 1-877-JOY4ALL. The hotline is not just for seniors but can be enjoyed by anyone who needs encouragement.

Teacher Jamie Anderson told the CBC News, "A lot of folks who are in isolation are really missing their families right now. So we're just trying to fill in some of the gaps," she said. "And bring them a little bit of joy and levity during these difficult times."

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Children and youth are called to contribute. They can submit their own positive messages to the Joy4All website. "We encourage kindness, creativity, and diverse messages of joy, especially for our Indigenous elders in isolation as well as seniors who are newcomers, immigrants, and refugees," they announced in their website.

The hotline is still developing and the students update it regularly. They hope to add more content and other languages.

Respecting and Loving Our Elders

Jared Quinn, Grade 12 student, told CBC that youth should learn respect for everyone in the community. "Lots of people butt heads all the time, especially generational things, but that doesn't mean there can't be that respect and that you can't show love to people who may not be in your own generation."

He added, "I think we can learn a lot of respect for each other and a lot wisdom from our elders in the community." Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here