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The Origins of the Easter Bunny: Where Did This Bizarre Tradition Begin?

Billy Hallowell : Mar 30, 2018

The lack of definitive history aside, let's all remember the real reason we're celebrating Easter this week (hint: JESUS)

[] Along with the deeply rooted Biblical and religious meanings surrounding Easter come the annual secular commemorations of the season: Easter egg hunts, egg dying and—perhaps most notably—the ever-elusive Easter bunny. (Photo: Tracking the 'Easter Bunny' on Twitter)

But while the popular rabbit has become a staple of the Easter season, there's an intriguing question worth exploring: Where in the world did the concept of the Easter bunny originate?

As it turns out, the rabbit's "exact origins ... are clouded in mystery," which is quite strange. But there are certainly some theories out there about where, exactly, the concept of a giant bunny originated, according to Time.

Some believe that the rabbit's origins date back to pagan practices, including the festival of Eostre, a celebration based on a fertility goddess who is said to have been symbolized by a bunny. But others say this simply isn't a case and is, instead, the result of modern fabrications; critics claim there's actually no evidence that the goddess has any historical rooting whatsoever...

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