Breaking Christian News

French Church Repents Over Anti-American Feelings

An exclusive BCN Report by Teresa Neumann : Feb 2, 2005
End-Time Harvest Inc.

Editor's Comments: Some of BREAKING CHRISTIAN NEWS is not new in the sense that it “just happened minutes ago.” It's new in the sense that the Christian community may well not have heard what has just come to light.--Steve Shultz, Managing Editor, BREAKING CHRISTIAN NEWS."

On August 31, 2004, Reverend Francine Lovell, Founder and President of End-Time Ministries located in Omaha, Arkansas, was preaching at a Bible Camp in the southwest of France. Lovell, who was born in Paris, felt led to preach on the subject of the Huguenots, the French Protestants, of whom nearly 2 million were either massacred or scattered among the nations of refuge. Because America was one of the most significant nations of refuge, the destinies of America and France -- she believes -- are bound forever.

It is no coincidence that George Washington, America's first President, was a direct descendant of refugees. His aide-de-camp, the Huguenot Jean Laurens, was part of the delegation that asked for French support and returned to die fighting with Lafayette and Rochambeau at the decisive battle of Yorktown, in 1781, FOR AMERICAN FREEDOM. Reverend Lovell also recalled visiting the beaches of Normandy, sensing that "Their blood yet speaketh." The mutual shedding of blood for each other's country was a revelation.

Says Lovell, "It was God indeed who sent the allies to deliver Europe from the curse of Hitler. 'BLOOD FOR BLOOD'. The Americans paid us back in 1944, many times over! I was 9 years old when I watched the American tanks and the jeeps roll into Paris. The first piece of chocolate I ever tasted was given to me by an American driving one of those jeeps! I will never forget a French woman, draped in a dress made of the three flags combined (American, British and French), walking with the crowd, past our apartment, No 60, Avenue de la République, in Paris, France. Indeed America is a nation of 'DELIVERERS'. Many years later, I was 'delivered again' on American soil . . . when I became 'born again'.

Then, says Lovell, "Under that tent, in the South West of France, one month ago, the Lord said to my French compatriots : The French bled in Florida and the Americans bled in Normandie, 'OU EST LA DIFFERENCE?' (Where is the difference?) Then, I gently pulled out my passport and, with much love, said to them: 'I AM AN AMERICAN!' Many anti-American feelings have been voiced by the media and otherwise since the beginning of the war against Iraq. As the prophet Daniel repented on behalf of Israel, the Lord is asking the born-again Christians of France to repent for anti-American feelings voiced by the nation of France."

Tears were flowing, she reports. "One by one, they got up and willingly came to the front to repent for themselves and their nation. Two old men (old enough to have watched the Americans land in Normandie) came up, wept and repented for the words spoken against America. OUR GOD IS THE GOD OF RECONCILIATION!"

"After the meeting men came up to my husband, hugged him and told him “THEY LOVE AMERICA AND THEY LOVE THE AMERICANS!" "So far, we are living on a planet of two kingdoms: the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. You belong to one or the other. CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHOM YE WILL SERVE . . . BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD."

You may contact Reverend Lovell at:

Rev. Francine Lovell Founder and President of END-TIME HARVEST INC PO BOX 340 OMAHA, Arkansas 72662-0340 USA TEL/Off: 870 426 5377