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Iranian Believer: Amazing Dream Brings Her to Christ

Open Doors Staff : Oct 10, 2013
Open Doors USA

"I think this is what Jesus wanted to say to me with the '10': that in 10 years I would be here with you, knowing Him and being together with someone who also knows Him and that you could help me in being a better counselor for my brothers and sisters in Christ." –an Iranian Christian

Iranian Christians(Iran)—Recently, fieldworkers had the chance to meet some Believers from Iran to disciple and encourage them. This is what Sheefteh (not her real name), a young woman, shared with one of them: "Ten years ago exactly, I got a dream. I saw Jesus coming towards me with a necklace. He hung it around my neck. I looked down and saw that it was a cross with the number 10 in the heart. I didn't know what it meant back then, but from that moment on I did know that Jesus existed. I was raised in a Muslim family; a devout one. I was a bit different than the others. I used to pray in our own language: Farsi. I was taught to pray in Arabic, but that's a language that is very different from my own language. (Photo: Iranian Christians/ISNA/Mehdi Ghasemi)

It was after the dream that I enrolled in psychology in a university. One of the lectures I had was about the world religions. The assignment we got was to write a paper about one of those religions. Of course I choose to further investigate Christianity. I didn't really know where to start, so I decided to call a general information number asking them where I could find a church. They told me that there was a church in my city and I went there. In that church I got to know Christ. Ever since I started exploring Christianity I've had discussions with my mother about it. Only recently she accepted the fact that I'm a Christian now; my father still hasn't accepted it.

Iranian ChristiansI'm happy that my husband is also a Christian. We can't go to the normal church where I met Christ, since it would be too dangerous for us, because we have been Muslims before. In our house group we are teaching other Believers now and I counsel people in church who suffer from marriage problems, depressions and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. (Photo: Iranian Christians)

It isn't easy being a Christian in Iran, but that's why I'm so happy that you're here with me today, encouraging me and teaching me new things. I think this is what Jesus wanted to say to me with the '10': that in 10 years I would be here with you, knowing Him and being together with someone who also knows Him and that you could help me in being a better counselor for my brothers and sisters in Christ."