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Female Only Spa Ordered to Pay Gender-Confused Man $35k and Undergo 'Reeducation' after They Refuse to Wax Him

Jonathon Van Maren-Blog : Jun 26, 2024

Remember when the LGBT movement's favorite argument was: 'How does any of this hurt you?' The answer is: Female salon workers can be forced to wax trans-identifying customers—or face brutal penalties.

(Ontario) — [] In March 24, a trans-identifying customer using the pseudonym "A.B." filed a human rights application at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against a beauty salon called Mad Wax Windsor Inc. A.B. had called by phone to book an appointment and claims that he was refused a leg wax by a staff member and the salon owner, Jason Carruthers. The HRTO has decided to award A.B. $35,000 in damages—because the salon only served women. (Image: Pixabay)

According to A.B.—the CBC account of the story simply refers to A.B. as a "woman" (not even "transwoman" anymore) and claims that Carruthers told A.B. by phone that he had no staff members who were comfortable providing services to "someone like you"; Carruthers corrected the record by noting that he had not used that phrase but said he had no staff willing to provide "male waxing services."

Predictably, the HRTO adjudicator, Karen Dawson, sided with A.B., claiming that A.B. was "misgendered" by Carruthers—that is, Carruthers referred to A.B. as male rather than as female. "The applicant's evidence about the telephone call was clear and consistent throughout her testimony," Dawson wrote in the May 23 decision. "By contrast ... the individual respondent's evidence changed on key points, when challenged on cross-examination. For these reasons, where their evidence differs, I prefer the evidence of the applicant."

I suspect the term "prefer" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, for a number of obvious reasons. Dawson is not ruling simply on whether or not A.B. was "discriminated" against—she is ruling, fundamentally, in favour of the much-contested premises of the transgender movement. Dawson would charge J.K. Rowling with "damages." For that matter, her ruling pits her against her with the previous generation of feminists. But that doesn't matter for Carruthers and his salon staff, who have been not only ordered to pay a small fortune (with interest!), but to submit to re-education, a swell—"online human rights training"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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