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Shields Up! Urgent Prayer Directive for the USA from Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs : Oct 25, 2023  Generals International

...Pray Psalm 91 over your family and community ... Ask God to uncover every [Hamas] sleeper cell in the United States. Pray to uncover their activities. Intercede that their funding be cut off...

[] Dear Prayer Warriors, (Image: Unsplash-edited)

Mike and I flew to Israel two weeks before the recent barbarous attacks there. God gave me a word that Believers in Israel needed to "Call 911", as I saw dark clouds coming against the nation and warned of terrorist attacks. I told my husband that I was extremely agitated, and wrote a word on the plane that war was coming.

I do not believe one has to be a prophet to realize that we are in a precarious place in America as well. Of course, we are all grieving and praying for Israel and the innocent in Gaza. However, for the past week, I have been extremely agitated as to the threat of attacks by terrorists on our own soil.

As I prayed for confirmation, I read an article entitled, "The Hamas Network in America: A Short History," written by Lorenzo Vidino from George Washington University in their Program on Extremism. Things became more clear to me as I studied it. The article lays out the plan of the Palestine Committee to take over the United States in a systematic way. One of the quotes is, "I swear by Allah that war is a deception. Let's not hoist a large Islamic flag and let's not be barbaric-talking. We will remain a front so that if the thing (the government ban on Hamas) happens, we will benefit from the new happenings instead of having all of our organizations classified and exposed."

One of the most chilling parts of the report is the strategy they began in 1988, and some believe much earlier in the 1960s, which involves radicalizing students to be Pro-Hamas on our college campuses. For instance, the Students for Justice in Palestine was formed on our campuses starting in 1992, and now has around 200 to 300 chapters, not only in the US but Canada. We now know that professors as well as students are activists and their rallies are filled with anti-Semitic rhetoric. Hamas has co-opted the narrative about Free Palestine and infected it with a radicalized version that can and will, erupt into violence on various campuses.

I had already felt a strong warning that sleeper cells were already spread across America and were going to "hatch", and had been sharing it as a prophetic warning. At first, like many, I pictured this being a loose group of extremists who had been radicalized. I no longer feel that way. I now believe there is a connected group here in the United States that is very much like the group that planned the 9/11 attacks.

The warning I want to issue is for immediate "Call 911" intercession from all across the nation to stop the terrorist attacks from becoming Israel/Hamas-type killings on our campuses and house-to-house. Our university campuses need intercessory prayer. Our neighborhoods need intercessory prayer. Our churches need intercessory prayer, and our homes need intercessory prayer.

Many intercessors have read the book, "Reese Howells, Intercessor." It is not enough to simply read about Howells. We must become him in this hour for the sake of our nation.

How to pray:

• Pray Psalm 91 over your family and community every day.
• Prayer-drive your neighborhood, city, and state borders, and pray.
• Pray that the intelligence community will have "eyes to see" radical plans being made and stop them.
• Pray over the schools in your area.
• Find out what pro-Hamas student groups are operating on college campuses and pray that they will not lead violent protests.
• Ask God to uncover every sleeper cell in the United States. Pray to uncover their activities.
• Intercede that their funding be cut off.

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