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Trump Meets With Son of Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Honor MLK for Being the Great Man That He Was!"

Veronica Neffinger : Jan 16, 2017
Christian Headlines

“Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of the many wonderful things that he stood for.” – President-elect Donald Trump

(New York, NY) — [Christian Headlines] Today would have marked the great social activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s 88th birthday. On this MLK Day, to honor the influential minister, President-elect Donald Trump will meet with King’s son, Martin Luther King III. (Photo Credit: Christian Headlines)

According to ABC News, this meeting was announced by Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer via Twitter. "He was never going to Washington," Spicer elaborated on Fox News, referring to rumors that Trump was going to observe the holiday by visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture in DC. "I think what he was trying to do was find an appropriate way to celebrate and observe Martin Luther King's birthday. He is going to meet with a group of individuals today, including Martin Luther King III to talk about that legacy and celebrate the birthday of Dr. King."

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