Breaking Christian News

We may lose religious freedom in 2017

Paid Advertisement : Dec 21, 2016

We may lose religious freedom in 2017  

Dear Fellow Christian,

Now is the time to act!

At Pacific Justice Institute, we don't want you being fooled by the media. Even with the Trump Administration that may help our cause at the Supreme Court level, our lower courts are still mired with liberal judges who will do everything they can to stop religious freedom. 

The battle is not over, it is only just beginning. Here is why...

Assuming we will see the most conservative Supreme Court in decades to respect religious freedom, parental rights, the sanctity of marriage, and the sanctity of life, we now face an unprecedented opportunity and responsibility to take back the ground that was lost in the past eight years.

How?  We must seize the day to file and win more cases. The attacks on our beliefs and rights have not gone away.  That is why we are hiring more seasoned attorneys and legal staff, not just to defend these cases, but to go on the offensive, taking this fight for your religious liberties, life and marriage directly into the courts.  And, we need your help! 


Pacific Justice Institute is defending churches and individuals free of charge, and bringing new cases to win back our religious freedoms. These legal battles are costly, and not won overnight.  

We've won an overwhelming majority of our litigated cases, protecting churches, non-profit ministries, and individuals at no cost to them. That's why your help is needed now...  to continue and expand our religious freedom victories!

And I have good news!  We have received a matching grant of $110,000. Your donation today will go twice as far and be matched dollar-for-dollar. 

Please give generously today. Your gift will be doubled by this matching grant.

Yes, I want my gift doubled!

Below are just some cases we have worked on just this year:

  • Saving Baby Israel.  We came alongside a family in crisis to prevent the discontinuation of life support from their toddler.  Our litigation is now focusing on the laws that almost deprived him of life and took away his parents' rights to make decisions about medical care.
  • Defending Pastors & Evangelists.  PJI represented Brother Adelmo, who was arrested for preaching on a public sidewalk.  The prosecutor decided —the day before trial—to drop the criminal case against our client.  We went to court and successfully defended a church that was sued by a disgruntled attendee who didn't like what the pastor was preaching.
  • Parental Rights & Common Core.  PJI settled one of the two lawsuits we filed against school districts that ignored their legal obligations to notify parents of their opt out rights.  We advised numerous school boards and members on issues such as parental notification and gender confusion.
  • Student Clubs.  Yosemite Unified School District responded in fear to an atheist complaint and halted meetings of a student FCA club.  After PJI got involved, the district reversed course and the students resumed their meetings.
  • Pro-life clinics.  Alpha Pregnancy Clinics were discriminated against by a landlord under pressure from Planned Parenthood.  We have defeated several attempts to dismiss the case and are closing in on a final ruling in the trial court.
  • Public Displays.  We regularly counsel local officials on displaying the national motto.  We drafted a local ballot initiative for an elected official in Pennsylvania for signature gathering that would allow for public display of the motto.
  • Rights of conscience and marriage.  Since the Supreme Court's disastrous decision mandating same-sex marriage nationwide, we have advised countless churches on maintaining their Scriptural convictions in the face of government hostility.  We also represented a county employee who had been required to perform same-sex marriage.  After PJI became involved, the employee was offered a religious accommodation.
  • Assisted Suicide.  With California's disastrous new suicide law taking effect and setting precedent across the U.S., PJI distributed information letting conscientious health care providers know of their rights to refuse participation.   

There are more and more cases we must defend every day.  We're not slowing down. We are going on the offensive!  With a new conservative U.S. Supreme Court coming, we have an incredible opportunity to defeat these liberal laws and set long-lasting case precedents for generations to come. 

That is why we are so thankful for your timely gift that will be doubled by the matching grant. Your gift is tax-deductible.  Please give generously today. Every dollar you give will be doubled.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Running the Race,

Brad Dacus, Esq.
Founder and President, Pacific Justice Institute

PJI is very unique. We work hard to make sure everyone gets the help they need throughout the United States. We don't just focus on the high-profile cases; we also represent "the little guy" and every size church and family to zealously advocate their religious rights. In fact, we handle more front-line (i.e. the West Coast) cases than any other organization of our kind. Thank you again for your tax-deductible gift .

For More Information:

(916) 857-6900
