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Healing and Visions Reported in the Arabian Peninsula

Nicole James : Jul 7, 2015  Operation Mobilization

"Knowing that Jesus is real and what God has done... that is what has sustained him [a convert to Christianity] through a lot of persecution." –Missionary in the Arabian Peninsula

(The Middle East)—[OM] Yasmin* had been sick for a long time. She'd visited doctor after doctor, receiving multiple treatments for a serious liver problem, but the medical professionals hadn't made any progress or found a solution for her illness. (Photo by Josiah Potter/via Operation Mobilisation)

Knowing Yasmin was already facing a worst-case scenario, Judy*, a long-term worker in the Arabian Peninsula (AP), suggested another option: "Jesus healed many people," she told Yasmin. "You've got nothing to lose by praying in the name of Jesus. You've got nothing to lose by going to Jesus with this problem."

"If you want, I can come back with a little Bible study," she added. When Yasmin agreed, Judy prepared a series of verses for her friend, following the Discovery Bible Study format. Yasmin read each Scripture, told Judy what the passage was saying, and listened as Judy explained aspects she had missed.

"We covered a few such stories and verses about healing, and then we finished with James," Judy explained.

"Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray for them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven" (James 5:14-15; NIV).

"The verse talks about forgiveness of sins," Judy said. "It really speaks to [Muslims]. They often think that sickness is either a test from God or a punishment... It's hard to reconcile those things because you think God is punishing you, so it's hard to ask Him for healing. It's another way of saying, ‘Give your life to the Lord. Submit to His authority.'"

Yasmin, however, was ready to submit herself to the Lord. Judy anointed her, prayed over her, and Yasmin was healed.

"It's amazing that God can show up like that, in power encounters," Judy said. "I don't find that people come to faith because of theory or debates. They come to faith because the Lord shows up in their lives and gives them something which they need."

"I feel like too often, we, as Westerners, want to focus on the [theological] debates instead of just praying over people, giving them verses that would lead them to pray, basically giving the Lord place to do His miracles," Judy said.

Hammad* did his research first. Academically inclined, he completed comparative studies of the Bible and Qur'an, researched extensively, and finally ended up talking to Judy's husband, Alex*. (Photo by Andrew W./via Operation Mobilisation)

"He had a lot questions," Judy recalled. "I think he was at a point where he was ready to make the commitment [to Jesus], but he needed one last push."

One evening, Hammad went to bed as usual. However, he woke up feeling like someone was watching him. Thinking someone was in his room near his bed, he looked towards his window. There, in the window, he saw Jesus. Hammad looked at Jesus, and Jesus looked at him.

"He cannot tell you what He looked like. All he could remember was the eyes," Judy said.

The next day, Hammad appeared at Judy and Alex's house. "I'm ready to make the decision," he exclaimed.

Although Hammad had already been convinced according to the books, the Bible and the Qur'an, he couldn't quite make the decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour.

"When the Lord showed up, that convinced him," Judy said.

Hammad's conviction, after seeing Jesus, proved strong and sustained him through prison and persecution. Often, when Hammad was blindfolded in prison, he would see visions of Jesus. In these visions, he would receive answers to the questions the authorities asked him, just like the Bible promises.

"But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time, you will be given what to say" (Matthew10:19; NIV).
"Wow, there's a verse about that in the Bible," Judy and Alex shared with Hammad after he was released from prison when he told them about his experiences. "Knowing that Jesus is real and what God has done... that is what has sustained him through a lot of persecution," Judy said.

The Lord is revealing Himself in the Arabian Peninsula, but Believers need to check their motives before praying for miracles, Judy cautioned: "If your heart is not in the right place, God will not show up. It's not about the miracle; it's about reconciling with God."

Pray that God would continue to work in people's lives across the Arabian Peninsula through healings, visions and miracles. Pray that the Lord would convict men and women through the Holy Spirit, drawing them to Himself.

*Name changed

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